Welcome to the Budock Parish Council website
Tender Notices - Grass and Footpath Maintenance Contract
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF BUDOCK PARISH FOOTPATHSBudock Parish Council invites tenders for the ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF BUDOCK PARISH FOOTPATHS. The contract will be awarded for 3 years, commencing 1st April 2025. Full details of the above, including the Council’s tender procedure, can be obtained from the Clerk. Please note that the closing date for Tenders to be received is 23rd March 2025.
The Clerk, Budock Parish Council, Laity Villa, Laity, Wendron, Helston
TR13 0NN
Tel: 07943193329
Email: clerk@budockparish.net
Budock Parish Council invites tenders for the GRASS CUTTING OF BUDOCK PLAYING FIELD. The contract will be awarded for 3 years, commencing 1st April 2025. Full details of the above, including the Council’s tender procedure, can be obtained from the Clerk. Please note that the closing date for Tenders to be received is 23rd March 2025.
The Clerk, Budock Parish Council, Laity Villa, Laity, Wendron, Helston
TR13 0NN
Tel: 07943193329
Email: clerk@budockparish.net
At our monthly parish meeting it was agreed to hold for a trial period surgeries run by your councilors to gauge the public interest for such events. The surgeries will be held from 10 am to 12 noon in the Trelowarren Arms Budock Water.Thursday 27th February 2025 in a room at the Trelowarren Arms, Budock Water, Falmouth TR11 5DR 10 am to 12 noon
Saturday 1st March 2025 in the Treverva Village Hall from 10.30
Please feel free to attend and talk to your local councilor.
Appeal Land at Bickland Hill
Here is the letter sent to Kate Kennally Chief Executive Cornwall Council about this appeal..jpg)
Budock Parish Council Community Award - Mrs Irene Clark
At the recent Budock Annual Parish Meeting a presentation of the Community Award was made to Mrs Irene Clark by the Chairman of the Parish Council. The award was a basket of Marks and Spencers products, all of which are known to be favourites of Irene. This award is made to someone in the Parish who it is felt has gone over and above the norm with their service to the community.Irene has been involved in village affairs ever since she moved here in 1973. She has been a member of many local ...
Acknowledgement for the message of condolence for the death of the queen
We have received this card addressed to The Clerk, Residents and Members of Budock Parish thanking us for the message of condolence we sent after the death of the queen last year..jpg)
Queen Elizabeth II 21 April 1926 - 08 September 2022
Budock Parish Council wishes to offer its sincerest condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IIThe official Proclamation of Accession by Budock Parish Council will be made on Sunday 11th September 2022 at the Budock Village Hall at 6.30 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend.

Budock Water Speed Warning Sign
Vehicle activated speed warning signs have finally gone up in Budock Water. Follow the link below to download more details.20th July 2021

Budock Community Award - Gaynor Field
Budock Parish Council many years ago instituted a Community Award scheme whereby any parishioner who has made a significant contribution to the community during the past year would be recognised for the efforts. This year the very deserving person receiving the award was Gaynor Field the proprietor of Budock Water Village Stores. With help Gaynor not only runs the shop for six and a half days a week but she has been tirelessly delivering to those unable to leave their homes during these tr ...23rd June 2021