Budock Litter Pick
If you would like to take part in the next litter pick, please be at the Village Hall Car Park for 2pm on Saturday 7 August. We look forward to seeing you there.
Our first litter pick since before the Covid pandemic took place on 12 June 2021 when a dozen or so volunteers split up into teams of two or three and proceeded to their chosen
locations. By 3.30pm all had met back at the starting place of Budock Village Hall and everyone agreed that it had been a very
worthwhile exercise and that they would be very happy to do this again. It was decided that we would meet on every second Saturday monthly and we had another successful litter pick in July.
We have found that not
only does the environment benefit from this but it is good for people’s
mental wellbeing as several people have missed the feeling of
companionship over the last year or more.