Budock Community Award - Gaynor Field
Budock Parish Council many years ago instituted a Community Award scheme whereby any parishioner who has made a significant contribution to the community during the past year would be recognised for the efforts.
This year the very deserving person receiving the award was Gaynor Field the proprietor of Budock Water Village Stores. With help Gaynor not only runs the shop for six and a half days a week but she has been tirelessly delivering to those unable to leave their homes during these trying times. A selfless act that has not gone unnoticed among the villagers and when she was suggested for the Community Award everyone agreed that she was a very worthy choice.
The presentation of the award which was in the form a wooden planter was made outside of the Village Shop by the Chairman of the Council on Wednesday 16th June. In her normal modest way Gaynor said that she was taken aback but immensely proud of being given this award and hoped to use the planter to grow herbs. We, Gaynor, are immensely proud to have you amongst us. A very well-deserved choice of recipient indeed!
23rd June 2021