Budock Parish Council
Public Footpaths
FP BW from Budock Church to road west of Argal Manor
Category: 3, Metres: 2304
FP from FP 1 to parish boundary west of Tregonhay
Category: 3, Metres: 1240
FP from Hillhead Road to southern boundary of A39 and from northern boundary of A39 to Waterworks Cottage
Category: 3, Metres: 680
FP from Hillhead Road to FP 1 with spur to Lower Kergilliack
Category: 3, Metres: 1134
FP from Higher Kergilliack to FP 1
Category: 3, Metres: 830
FP from Crill Corner to FP 17
Category: 3, Metres: 630
FP from BW/FP 12 near Roscarrack Mill to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 500
FP from road west of Treverva to parish boundary
Category: 4, Metres: 123
FP from Treverva to road south of Little Lamanva
Category: 3, Metres: 410
BW from road south of Little Lamanva to road south of Tresooth
Category: 3, Metres: 1168
FP and BW from FP1 via Sparnon, Trewen, Crill to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 2066
FP and BW from Budock Water Road to Roscarrack Road
Category: 2, Metres: 701
BW from Roscarrack Road to parish boundary (Pennance Mill)
Category: 2, Metres: 670
BW from south of The Home Hotel to parish boundary (Maenporth beach)
Category: 3, Metres: 1038
FP from Rosemerryn to parish boundary (Bareppa)
Category: 3, Metres: 275
FP from parish boundary (Maenporth boundary) to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 438
FP & BW from BRl3 (north of Hard to Come By) to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 1159
BW from FP17 (Tregedna) to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 497
FP from Budock Water to BW/FP11 north of Trewen
Category: 3, Metres: 645
FP from FP19 to road south of Sparnon with spur to Budock Water
Category: 3, Metres: 631
BW from road west of Penjerrick to road north of The Home Hotel
Category: 3, Metres: 304
FP from Lower Crill to parish boundary
Category: 2, Metres: 409
FP from Budock Water to road south of St Budock Church
Category: 23, Metres: 450
FP from road north of Budock Water to FP23
Category: 2, Metres: 80
FP from FP23 ( Chapel Lane) to parish boundary (via Menehay House)
Category: 2, Metres: 570
FP from St Budock Church to parish boundary (Tregoniggie)
Category: 2, Metres: 201
FP from FP23 (St Budock Church) to parish boundary (via Menehay Farm)
Category: 2, Metres: 657
FP from FP27 to parish boundary
Category: 3, Metres: 150
FP from Hillhead Road to Union Hill (Old Union Road)
Category: 43, Metres: 104
FP from north of St Budock Church along side of perimeter of Bickland Industrial Estate to Falmouth FP 51
Category: 2, Metres: 525
Footpath Categories
Category 1 – National & Regional Routes
National Routes (e.g. South West Coast Path), Strategic Routes Promoted by Cornwall County (e.g. Saints Way, St Michael's Way).
Category 2 – Strategic Links
Links to Promoted and National Routes, Links between Communities, Routes known to be well used Local Paths.
Category 3 – Local Routes
Local Routes linking existing Highways, Local Circular Routes
Category 4 – Other Paths
Dead end Paths and little used Paths with Definitive Map, Anomalies and low value to the Network, Matters not covered in 1, 2 and 3 above.